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Prepare working surfaces

Acajou mastic

Linseed oil based mastic for glass

Beige mastic

Linseed oil based mastic for glass

Caustic soda

Removes varnish and paint and unblocks drain pipes

Deminarilised water

Fur and limescale


Paint, varnish, resin cleaner graffiti remover, tool grease remover

Odourless petroleum

Metal degreaser

Painter cleaning solution

Cleaner, grease remover of all surfaces before starting painting

Peint cleaner

For paint tools and guns

Sulphuric acid

To fill batteries, abrasive solution

Super white synthetic mastic

Super white synthetic glass mastic

Wallpaper paste remover

Super active paste remover up to 250m²

White mastic

Linseed oil based mastic for glass