Alcohol free fire lighter

Odourless BBQ and fireplace lighting

  • To lit BBQ and chimneys without and danger


Existe en 1L

Instructions for use

  • Put a layer of charcoal in the BBQ. Pour delicately the liquid on the charcoal
  • Seal the container
  • Wait for a few seconds and fill up the BBQ with charcoal in taking care of not switching off the flame
  • Wait around 15 minutes to obtain the ideal cooking temperature

Precautions for use

Follow exactly the directions. Secure lid firmly straight after each use and keep away from the reach of children.

ATTENTION : do not throw the product in the fire nor the empty packaging.

Centre antipoison France: 01 40 05 48 48

Index card of data of safety on
Center anti-poison : 01 40 05 48 48